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Candidate Experience
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Candidate Experience
Wie wirkt sich eine kontextualisierte Candidate Experience auf die Einstellung aus?
Entdecke, wie Employer Branding Leader Florian Schrodt eine kontextualisierte Candidate Experience Strategie bei VBZ durchsetzte.
Candidate Experience
Wie wirkt sich eine kontextualisierte Candidate Experience auf die Einstellung aus?
Entdecke, wie Employer Branding Leader Florian Schrodt eine kontextualisierte Candidate Experience Strategie bei VBZ durchsetzte.
Candidate Experience
A great candidate experience relies on great interaction quality
Companies should focus more on interaction quality by using automated communication to keep candidate commitment high in today’s world of the casual candidate.
Candidate Experience
Candidate Experience Matters — How Can Chatbots Help?
jobpal's CEO and Co-Founder Luc Dudler gave a presentation at Talent Tech Rising last year on why candidate experience matters and how chatbots can help in the process. Candidate Experience is such a buzzword nowadays, but it's not enough to only talk about it. Companies have to make an effort to match their candidate experience to the employer brand — otherwise the negative effects could actually hurt the business.
Candidate Experience
Your Candidate Experience Makes Or Breaks a Hire
In a recent article on their very own blog, Google’s Hire team presents some greatly interesting facts about the candidate experience. Known for their accuracy and industry insight, the team collected figures, statistics and facts from various different sources, concluding that bad candidate experiences drag down your hiring performance drastically.
Candidate Experience
How To Improve Candidate Experience
There is nothing potentially more harmful to your view of a company than the way you’re treated during the recruitment process, so companies it is time to sit up and pay really close attention to your candidate experience.